Regular Riders: Spotlight on Drew Walker
Although relatively new to the group, Drew Walker is probably one of THE most regular riders. Not only does he attend every Monday, but you could find him every Sunday when we were having the weekly Sunday brunch ride.
Oh, by the way, we’re bringing that back for the entire month of October. We’ll be returning to our favorite spot, Leola’s Cafe.
If you’ve never been to Leola’s Cafe, you should join us THIS WEDNESDAY (September 22) for an end of summer bike ride.
My hope with this End of Summer ride is to merge the Capital Heights Social Ride with the Downtown East Social Ride. The reason for doing that is so people can have a chance to chat and hang out!
Everyone comes to the rides for different reasons, but at the end of the day, the goal of the ride is in the name - SOCIAL RIDE!
Come out, meet everyone, even if you’ve never been on a ride before. It will be a great first ride, I promise!